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The eccentric inventor


Personality traits. Fishbones is an eccentric fellow, one of which who can appreciate a good high quality joke and deep and contemplative conversation over a meal. He describes himself as a forward thinking individual, quite caught up in his own mind. It is commonplace to find him thinking to himself and completely spaced out. The tom is awfully forgetful and should never be tasked with remembering anything important. He could talk for ages about himself and his new and inventive ideas. 


He often forgets the importance of talking about anything other than himself, simply because he just doesn't remember too. He hyperfixates for short times on things that interest him and is quite content on his lonesome. He tends to veer into the very condescending realm when he's frustrated. He is very particular about his routines and very rarely deters from his schedule. It might be difficult to get close to him but once known he tends to appreciate company. He is not easily discouraged and loves a good mental challenge in his day to day life.

Other Information

Current Name: Fishbones

Former Names: Fishkit, Fishpaw
Age (in moons): 34 moons
Gender: Cis Male
Sexual Orientation: Unsure
Creation Date: November 15'th 2022

Current Affiliation/Clan: Riverclan 
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: N/A
Rank: Warrior and former apprentice 
Mentor(s): Hollowflame [npc]
Apprentice(s): none current

Favorite Season: New leaf exclusively 
Favorite Food(s): Tadpoles & Bullfrogs
Favorite Word: "Non-sequitur" 
Favorite Sound: The sounds of epiphany, whether it be himself or others. 

Greatest Hope: Unlimited resources and a life of upmost comfort
Greatest Strength: Unwillingness to quit
Greatest Weakness: Diehard stubbornness
Worst Nightmare: Simpleminded felines
Most Treasured Memory: Creation of his bug catching device 

His personal history is as to be assumed, a typical outcasts upbringing in where he was more concerned with the life cycles of bugs as opposed to catching himself a meal. He never quite fit in but never reaaaally let it bother him. 

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